If you want to submit your idea or let us know the issues you are encountering, we will be more than happy to help you out or fulfill the needs of our client.
There is a set form for you to insert relevant information wherever you click the feedback option:
1. You need to input your Email.
2. Choose Feedback type, if you are reporting a bug, you will have to choose the affected device.
3. Provide the detail of your issue.
4. Check Attach error logs when you are reporting a bug.
You can check the instructions below for you to find the feedback option on every AirDroid Business application interface.
Windows Desktop Client (Sign-in): Click Home>Click Feedback | Logs icon at the bottom right corner of the Desktop Client
Windows Desktop Client (Without Sign-in): Right-click the AirDroid Business icon at the bottom right>Choose Feedback | Logs
Biz Daemon: Click ⋮ icon at the top right>Choose Feedback
Devices in Kiosk mode: Tap on the ⋮ icon if Title Bar is available or the arrow icon at the bottom>Click About>Choose Feedback
AirDroid Business Mobile App (Sign-in): Click the cog icon at the top right>Choose Feedback
AirDroid Business Mobile APP (Without Sign-in): Click the ⋮ icon at the top right>Choose Feedback
If you want to send us the error logs without submitting a report or send the files to us via email directly is a better choice for you, here is the article regarding how to extract the log files directly.