In some scenarios, you will have to extract the error log files directly from your controlled device and send the files directly to us via email.
Here are methods regarding how you can extract error logs manually from your devices:
The device's remote access is available (below Android 10)
1. Go to AirDroid Business Desktop Client>Find the affected device>Click Files to start the file transfer
2. Find the files in the path below
Path 1: /sdcard/Android/data/com.sand.airdroidbiz/
Path 2: /sdcard/AirDroidBiz/
3. Compress the files to a ZIP file
Remote access is not available (below Android 10)
1. Go to File Manager on the device>find the files from the path below
Path 1: /Internal Storage/Android/data/com.sand.airdroidbiz/files/
Path 2: /Internal Storage/AirDroidBiz/
2. Compress the files to a ZIP file
Extract logs from Android 11 devices or above
1. Connect the device to your PC, and make sure the USB setting is Transferring files / Android Auto / File Transfer
2. Go to File Manager on the PC>Find the device under This PC>Click the device and you should see the Internal storage
3. Find the folders from the path below
Path 1: /Internal shared storage/Android/data/com.sand.airdroidbiz/
Path 2: /Internal shared storage/AirDroidBiz/
4. If the issue occurs on an Android controller device, please find the folders from the path:
/internal SD/Android/data/com.sand.airdroidbizc/
4. Transfer the above-mentioned folders to your PC>compress into a ZIP file
After you have the compressed ZIP file, please attach the file via our ticket system or We will investigate the files you provide to us appropriately after we receive them.